Overview: MHealth Fairview Health Services is looking for a Psychiatric Assistant to join our outstanding Behavioral Float Pool All Psych Associates and RNs report to a nurse manager. The float pool consists of approximately 30 RNs and 60 Psych Associates; and serves a wide spectrum of patients within the Behavioral Health department including child/adolescents, adults, and seniors. We are conveniently located on the West Bank of the Mississippi River near...
Overview: Our clinical model supports your professional judgment and decision making with state-of-the-art standardized assessment tools and logistical support to allow you to focus on clinical care. As a Triage&Transition team member there are opportunities to provide care in a variety of settings. This person in this position will focus their time as a collaborative team member in the Rdges Emergency Department in Burnsville, MN. The individual in this position...
Overview: Looking to work in role that will make a difference in the community? We at Fairview Health Services is looking for a dedicated Psychiatric Associate to join the hardworking Riverside side location on the University of Minnesota Campus West Bank Unit 3A admission to the unit are those persons 18 years and older who require 24-hour detoxification, medical stabilization and psychiatric stabilization provided by the inpatient setting. This is...
Overview: The Child, Tween, and Adolescent Day Therapy programs, located at UMMC-Riverside, are responsible for providing focused psychotherapy, skills, and case management to our patients admitted to day therapy (PHP and Day Treatment) with the goal of children and their families stabilizing using therapeutic intervention, so they do not need emergency room or inpatient mental health level of care. Responsibilities/Job Description: Job Expectations: Demonstrates clinical competence in the treatment planning...
Overview: MHealth Fairview Health Services is looking for a Psychiatric Assistant to join our outstanding Behavioral Float Pool All Psych Associates and RNs report to a nurse manager. The float pool consists of approximately 30 RNs and 60 Psych Associates; and serves a wide spectrum of patients within the Behavioral Health department including child/adolescents, adults, and seniors. We are conveniently located on the West Bank of the Mississippi River near...
Overview: MHealth Fairview Health Services is looking for a Psychiatric Associate to join our outstanding Adult Inpatient Mental Health unit Station 10 has a mix of many challenging patients including those who are anxious/depressed and are at risk for self-harm or suicide as well those who have thought disorders and struggle with managing their lives in the community. Some patients have co-occurring medical issues that broaden the psychiatric associate experience....
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364 roles are available at Fairview Health Services. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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