Job Description Summary: Job Description: The Behavioral Health Clinician II is an licensed independent provider who performs diagnostic psychosocial evaluations, develops care plan with clients and their families, offers individual, family, or group therapy as appropriate, collaborated with psychiatric and/or medical providers who are part of the client’s care team, and documents all clinical interventions in accordance with CHC policy, Joint Commission standards, and state regulatory expectations. The position is...
Job Description Summary: The Moses/Weitzman Health System is a global leader addressing challenges faced by organizations caring for the poor and diverse populations, and is home to programs focusing on education, research, and process improvement support for safety net providers. The system delivers primary care to more than 150,000 patients in Connecticut, and extends access to specialty care for more than 2.5 million individuals across the U.S. It is a...
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10 roles are available at Moses / Weitzman Health System. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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