_We are looking for an experienced Clinical Nurse Lead (RN) in Dayton, WA_ Our Family Practice Clinics provide exceptional and experienced care by our Medical and Dental providers and is a one-stop solution for all family health needs. Our 3 locations in Dayton, Waitsburg, and College Place includes a friendly staff of Registered Nurses and Certified Medical and Dental Assistants who ensure comfort throughout patient visits. The teams work to...
At Columbia Family Dental Clinic, our mission is to provide exceptional and accessible dental care. Our clinic is located inside Columbia Family Clinic, and work directly with Medicaid patients; we are staffed with 2 Dentists, a Hygienist and Dental Assistant. Our Dental Providers work to holistically treat the whole patient, pushing the boundaries of what we can do in the name of improving patient health outcomes. Our integrated approach to...
_We are hiring a Director of Quality, Compliance and Risk Management in Dayton, WA_ Our Quality Department is responsible for improving and promoting quality and safety measures within our organization, and integrating Clinical Compliance and Risk Management programs throughout CCHS. Quality, Clinical Compliance and Risk Management programs are reviewed and approved by the Hospital Board annually, and aligns with the Health District's mission, vision, leadership philosophies and strategic plan. With...
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60 roles are available at Columbia County Health System. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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