The Paramedic is responsible for providing competent pre-hospital, emergency room and in hospital care to the sick and injured, according to the level of licensure and training appropriate for the paramedic. The paramedic will be able to make necessary critical decisions under considerable physical and emotional stress and to intervene, manage traumatic and medical emergencies by assuming responsibility for his/her actions Minimum: EMT-P License Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support or equivalent,...
Primarily responsible for Emergency Department (ED) patient care. Triages, treats and stabilizes patients in an emergency medical condition. Performs duties without direct supervision. Requires flexibility to provide care in the emergency department and as a pre-hospital provider as needed. Serves as patient advocate and teacher to improve outcomes. Provides post procedure instruction and treatment. Addresses patient and family concerns. 19-07 RN Position Primarily responsible for Emergency Department (ED) patient care....
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39 roles are available at BATES COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Use our job search to find opportunities that fit your skills and career goals.
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